There are 4 types of women that men fall for

Cindy Sunshine
3 min readJul 23, 2024

Thomas was my coworker for 3 years, and most would say he was my work husband. He’s the best one out there and I would still look up to him as a mentor for questions, guidance, and so much more. At first, we would only talk about career growth, personal growth, and some other side conversations.

My dating life has been a blur, with many unsuccessful attempts or failed relationships but he told me some stuff that got me intrigued and smiling. I brought up Stuart, who was a coworker who had a crush on me, which ultimately led us to the conversation of men, women, dating and relationship culture in modern America and how it is so different from years ago.

In the end, he was concluding that men are taking advantage of the women by requiring them to share equal bills and finances because at the end of the day, we are not equal. Women nurture the children they give birth too and are expected to take care of the household (clean, cook and even work). It is definitely debatable because I believe every relationship has its own dynamic that works but more often we see the 50/50 culture becoming more prominent. By adapting this split evenly culture, it strips away their masculinity when the man requires her to pay. It takes away the “gentleman aspect” of protecting, providing, and caring for her and removes her from her feminine energy.

Anyways, I ended up asking Thomas: “Do you think I’m good looking?” and he shared some the common 4 ratings of women communicated among men.



Cindy Sunshine

I’m in love with the idea of LOVE, and does it really exist.